58/15 Pickup wiring colors different between Bass and Treble


New Member
May 4, 2022
Hi, I've bought some S2 pickups for my SE Standard 22 but the wire colors are different from Bridge to Neck, and the info available online doesn't match with what I have. I think they are 58/15S pickups from a McCarty 594. Most of the posts I read only talk about 3 wires.

The Treble pickup (PTP4145-8B SP-5815-TNC) has 5 conductors:

Green/Bare are together
Red (4.17kohms measured with green/bare wire)
Black (3.93komhs measured with white wire)

The Bass pickup (PTP4144-8B SP-5815-BNC) has 5 conductors:

Red/Bare are together
Green (4.00kohms measured with red/bare wire)
Black (3.94kohms measured with white wire)

How can I know which color is HOT and which should I send to the coil-split knob?

On the Bass pickup I tested that sending green and white to ground, black as hot, and red/bare to ground, it functions perfectly fine. The treble side is different colors, so any suggestion would be appreciated.

Sorry if this sounds very basic, I'm just starting to learn how to solder and change pots and pickups on my guitar.
Hi Daniel,

I'm not familiar with the pickups you are describing but in order to work out which colour is what, start with the one you know should be ground. For the Treble pickup this is Green/Bare. You said you can measure resistance between green and red so that is one coil. You can measure resistance between Black and White so thats another coil.

Based on the information you have provided the wires would be as follows.

Treble (Bridge)
Black = North Start = HOT
White = North Finish = Link
Red = South Start = Link
Green/Bare = South Finish = GND

Bass (Neck)
White = North Start = HOT
Black = North Finish = Link
Green = South Start = Link
Red/Bare = South Finish = GND

The Link wires are the ones that need to be connected together for a full Humbucker or sent to ground for split coils.

Hope that helps.
On the Bass pickup I tested that sending green and white to ground, black as hot, and red/bare to ground, it functions perfectly fine. The treble side is different colors, so any suggestion would be appreciated.
With the wiring you stated above, you have wired the pickup as single coil only. It will work perfectly fine but only one side of the Humbucker will be working.

Also bear in mind that the coils on a Humbucker are designed so that the wire is wound in opposite directions in order to cancel out electromagnetic interference. As you have only one coil working, it won't matter if black is ground or hot, both ways will work but when you have the second coil active, black hot will not cancel interference.

PRS pickups are designed so that when you have both pickups as single coils they too are wound in different directions to each other to further cancel interference. This is why Black/White and Green/Red are reversed between the Neck and Bridge.
Thank you very much for your reply.

I wired the pickups in the order you said and they work perfectly. I have only wired Seymour Duncan Pickups and they have the same colors on both pickups, so that's why I was confused.
