Hi everyone. First post here. I bought my first PRS a couple of months ago, an SE McCarty 594 Singlecut. I had set out to buy a Les Paul but was unimpressed with the ones I tried that were within my budget.
Anyway, I ended up liking the SE so much that I bought an S2 (new but a 2022 model at a reduced price) as well. Here they are:
The SE is listed as having 58/15 LT "S" pickups and the 2022 S2 as having 58/15 "S". My understanding from reading posts on this forum and elsewhere was that these pickups were the same. Having A/B'd the two guitars for a couple of weeks now, something that has surprised me is that I have found myself consistently preferring the sounds I'm getting from the SE. The S2 is noticeably brighter and with less pleasing harmonic overtones, at least to my ears. Pickup height and set up on both guitars is identical.
The S2's switch has an intermittent issue (very low output from the bridge pickup) which led me to open up the cavities. Out of curiosity I did the same on the SE. This is what they look like:
It seems strange to me that the nicer pushback wire would be in use on the lower end guitar. The difference also suggests that either these are not the same pickups or that G&B changed the wiring at some point between 2022 and 2024. I have yet to pull the pickups to check model numbers but will do so at the next string change.
I would be interested to know your thoughts on this. Are these really the same pickups? Of course it's entirely possible that other factors here are contributing to the sound differences, variability in actual cap and pot values vs spec etc...