57/08 59/09 Test?


New Member
Jan 10, 2014
Does anyone have a video, or know of a video, where someone compared these two pickups? Yes I've searched youtube - nothing useful.

I thought I would be the guy who always had high output pickups in his guitar...but after one night of playing with the 57/08's, I'm blown away by it's complexity and gritty overtones. However, I could use a little more output for when I dig in and hit harmonics. Maybe the 59/09 will be just what the doctor ordered.
I got nothing for your comparison, but...

...have you tried a boost in front of your amp. If you like the 57/08s, it's a good option. With certain amps, I love the responsiveness this combo gives me.
What would you suggest? I have considered that... I'm not sure what boost would be best for me. I don't want it to color the tone from the pickups.
What would you suggest? I have considered that... I'm not sure what boost would be best for me. I don't want it to color the tone from the pickups.
The other benefit of booster is that you can use it with all your guitars.

EP Booster is good.

I use a Jetter Jet Drive, with one side set to a clean boost. I get that "Hey! It sounds just like the clean signal, just more of it" sound. It doesn't hurt that the overdrive tones on this pedal are amazing and very amp-like.

I also really like the Source Audio Programmable EQ. You can set it neutral or all over the board, and it stores four settings. I play lapsteel in one band and it's a life saver for quickly balancing the levels and tones.
I've found the OCD to be pretty transparent as well, just dial the gain down and the volume up. The Timmy is another option. I haven't tried the TC Electronic Spark booster, but I've read good things about it.
I haven't tried the TC Electronic Spark booster, but I've read good things about it.

+1 on the Spark, has played well with the 4 different amps I've owned/own, brings out some really good tone and pushes the tube amp just enough when used as a clean boost. It's a good "always on" pedal.
( Shameless self promotion )
Check out - www.tonalinsanity.com
I have a couple of pedals that can push your tone

1) Nigara -Almost anything you want it can do
2) Aurora Borealis or Sequoia - Transparent OD with tones of output ( Mark Tremonti used the Sequoia for awhile on tour ;) )

I find that pedals can bring out the best in any pickup combo