4000 posts about nothing...

To leave a single white rose and a hundred dollar bill on the pillow. But Val would Have nothing of it. This was just too extravagant a gift for ...
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Val's ex-MIL who had spent an inordinate time tracking her down. It's because Val was an outlaw from that original lunch she had...
Consuming a combination of prenatal vitamins, Monkey 47 gin, and gummy worms, which, when binge-watching season 2 of The Monkeys brought uncomfortable cramping and the desire to...

listen to Weird-Al Yankovic. Who, coincidentally, was just wondering about Valerie, who he'd met the other day at Santana's new restaurant. So he jumped into his Mercedes to head down there and ask him about ...
Bodia, remonstrating with his local UPS driver.

"Where the hell is it man, c'mon"

The confused driver, stared at him with that blank expression that a McDonald's employee gives you.

Bodia raised his fist to to sky and yelled......