2x12 Stealth deep cab?


Zomb!e Nine, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
I think that's the "big mouth" cab? Anyone have one? Experiences? I don't use a 2x12 much, but thinking of getting one. My heads sound really good thru the Mesa 2x12. I think I saw some of you had both in some other thread...
It looks very similar to the Mesa 212 Recto cab - I have one of those I use with my PRS head - it's birch ply, and has similar dimensions and speakers. Should sound great.
The big mouth, to me, sounded very much like the recto 2x12 and that's why I went with the standard pine 2x12. Two Mesa 2x12s already in the arsenal is enough for me, but the bass response in the pine Stealth was so good that I didn't think twice. Also, if you aren't in love with the typical V30 vibe, the Stealth breaks from the pack.
I have one with my 2 Channel C. Love it. I have swapped out the V30s for 25 watt Greenbacks and it sounds really great! maybe not better but different. More mids and less compression. the cab is great nice sound, and pretty light...
The big mouth, to me, sounded very much like the recto 2x12 and that's why I went with the standard pine 2x12. Two Mesa 2x12s already in the arsenal is enough for me, but the bass response in the pine Stealth was so good that I didn't think twice. Also, if you aren't in love with the typical V30 vibe, the Stealth breaks from the pack.
I love V30's they are my main speaker. What do you mean "breaks fro the pack"?
I have two of them.. My Sweet 16 gets a nice "thumpy" but not muddy clean and nice chunky AC/DC type crunch tones.
My 2 channel "H" sounds like a monster through the DB... Nice cleans and it handles the high gain stuff very well. Very similar to a buddy of mine's Mesa 212... Although, I do think the PRS versions of the V30s are a little different than the ones in the Mesa cab. They have the same basic "feel" but there are definitely some different nuances that are hard to explain between the two...
I don't think you'd be disappointed in the least with one. If you have specific questions, I would be happy to try to address them...
I believe the PRS removes the Doping on their speakers. so that might account for some of the tonal differences..
I've not been a fan of the V30 for my music. There's a stereotypical character that most Boogie cabs have with V30s and it is nowhere close to what I've needed for classic rock work. Almost all other cabs with V30s were chasing Mesa's great products, so they all sounded about the same. The Stealth 2x12 w/ V30s does not sound the same to me. And part of it is the high frequency attenuation from the thick jute grill material. It's like a built in beam blocker. I was floored and pleasantly surprised when I spent time with it. Liked it so much I bought it! Now it's my #1 cab.