25th Anniversary SE Custom 24 - Coil Tapping


New Member
Apr 15, 2013
Victoria, Australia
Hi All,

I'm new to guitar modding, in particular coil tapping/splitting (whichever your preferred term is), and I'm interested in tapping my 25th Anniversary SE Custom 24.
I know the new SECU24's come tapped, but i also believe they have newly designed pickups which leads me the following;
Can the existing pick ups be tapped? Are they worth tapping or am I better off installing a full-blown HFS/Vintage Bass combo?

Thanks in advance for your assistance guys.
they can be done on the stock pickups, i've done it, but it's pretty troublesome and might ruin the pickups if you're not careful. i've found that article somewhere but i can't seem to find it anymore, might have to take sometime to dig it out (it's not from this forum)

edit: here's the link.


the pictures are not very clear, but if you're doing it while looking at the thread you'll understand. Step 1 to 13 are only needed, the rest are wax potting which your SE Cu24 probably doesn't need if you haven't add covers.

for Step 1, there's a little correction. The SE's stock pickups has a fabric tape that needs to be peeled off first before you go on to unscrew the baseplate. Do take note, only the fabric tape, not the rubber tape.

though i suggest you get pair of new pickups if you want to save all the time and trouble. if you want experience, go ahead and do it ;)
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