2021 Custom 24 Piezo Comprehensive Review


Ministry of guitar
Apr 13, 2017
So this is the second video in the series, after the Tremonti.
This one is a bit more complex, since the Custom 24 piezo as the guitar does have a lot more options with a 5 way switch and a piezo/piezo blend

In my opinion, if someone was to come and ask me which guitar to invest in, if they could only have one nice guitar which could see them through any possible musical situation for life, it would have to be the Custom 24 Piezo. It is especially an incredible live guitar since it does both electric and acoustic duties, and has totally taken over band duties along with its sibling the Violet Cu 24 piezo, which will be featured in a future video.

For your viewing and listening pleasure, and I would love thoughts and opinions

I prefer 22 fret guitars. Due to that I have a P22 and a P22 Trem. I also have a HBSCII and HBII with the piezo in them. These are guitars that I have used at many gigs. They work really well for playing a lot of styles of music. These guitars are in my "will never sell" part of my collection.
The audio on the playing sections sounds excellent, and it really spotlights all of the tonal nuances of the guitar. Great job!
I prefer 22 fret guitars. Due to that I have a P22 and a P22 Trem. I also have a HBSCII and HBII with the piezo in them. These are guitars that I have used at many gigs. They work really well for playing a lot of styles of music. These guitars are in my "will never sell" part of my collection.
I used to prefer 22 fret guitars too , mainly for the sweet neck tone. Then I discovered tube screamers, the tone knob and John Petrucci
The audio on the playing sections sounds excellent, and it really spotlights all of the tonal nuances of the guitar. Great job!
Thanks. Helix all the way. I’ve tried DIing amps, miking amps, but for my amateur abilities, helix gets me the best recording tone everytime. Of course for sound in the room thrills, it’s Amp every time