2011 PRS DGT rewired to 2012 specs


New Member
May 24, 2013
I have found a new 2011 PRS DGT in my local guitar store which I really love - weight, looks, feel. However I have also played a new one and really like the single coil sound with the new wiring (starting in 2012). I could have a local tech rewire to 2012 spec - it doesn't seem that difficult. (I built my own 5 E-3 Fender amp but my hand's would shake touching such a pretty guitar!!) Does this undo the warranty? Is it as simple as I think?

Thanks for any and all advice.
Yes, it is as simple as you think! As long as you're thinking you just need to add those two resistors. Wow, if you built your own amp, this would be no sweat for you.

And man!! I certainly hope one little change like this wouldn't void the warranty!! I never think about those sort of things.

This thread should probably be move to a different spot in the forum.
Yeah, I've never even considered the warranty thing, I've changed pickups a bunch. I would guess, if it's a PRS dealer that did the mod, it would not void warranty. But I'm guessing the dealer would then take care of any issues with the electronics anyway. Even so, if the warranty was voided by you doing it yourself, I'd imagine it might just be on the electronics? I'd just mod it, I wouldn't worry about it a whole lot. I changed my Stripped 58 pickups from the stock 5708 to 5909 within a couple weeks of owning it. Just make sure you wanna keep the guitar for some amount of time 1st(not return it).

PRS customer service could answer warranty specific questions, shoot them an email.