2004 Standard 22 (w/ Dragon II pickups) vs 2006 Singlecut (w/ Dragon I pickups)


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
I have the option to buy either of the above guitars and I can’t choose.

My current main guitar is a 2007 Singlecut Satin Trem and I am absolutely in love with the neck carve. I currently play in a cover band that does everything from 80s hair metal to early 2000s rock, and I could use a secondary guitar for backup or drop tuning.

Which would you choose and why? The Standard has a trem and the Singlecut has a stoptail (also a 10 top), the latter is also a couple hundred euros more.
I'd do the 2006 SC for lots of reasons, but the biggest, the Dragon 1's

p.s. I have both models just not satin. I would like a satin a lot. I love both models. My Standard 22 has 57/08's and my SC's have #7's. I play the SC's more than the Standard. Not sure why really????
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