1x12, 2x10, 4x10 thoughts?

What are you thinking about building? (Be careful... I love talking about this stuff. :cool: )
Because of the whole dumble rabbit hole, I ended up with a loose clone of Robben's amp. I pretty much exclusively gig that amp even though it's 100w but I have the tube FX loop buffer so I can keep everything sounding good at low(er) volumes. The 2x12 I built is supposedly the same dimensions as the dumble 2x12 so it's big. And obviously because it's physically larger than what people expect, it's "too loud" even with a 20w head.

So I've been toying with doing the dumble sized 1x12 maybe with an EV12L OR building a 1x12 to the newer two rock dimensions with the same speaker as an alternative to use in the winter when the garage door to the outside at my regular gig is closed so it looks quieter but I'll still have the clean headroom I'm used to.
So I've been toying with doing the dumble sized 1x12 maybe with an EV12L OR building a 1x12 to the newer two rock dimensions with the same speaker as an alternative to use in the winter when the garage door to the outside at my regular gig is closed so it looks quieter but I'll still have the clean headroom I'm used to.
Cabs can make such a huge difference, as you now. When you're talking closed back, the cab dimensions are critical. But once you start talking the various forms of open and ported, things go all over the place. There is more than one way to make a cab sound "bigger," whether it's a 1x that you're trying to make sound "as big as" a 2x, or a 2x that you're trying to make sound "as big as" a 4x. As Les said, and as you well know, a 1x12 won't have the swirl or phasing you hear with a 2x, and same goes for a 2x compared to a 4x. But otherwise, you can make cabs sound bigger by manipulating the cabinet dimensions and construction.

I have a Mesa 2x12 vertical recto cab (mentioned by 11top above) and it is one that is known for competing with 4x12's on the "bigger" sounding scale. I also have a 1x12 Thiele, and a 2x12 Zbest (which is exactly a 2x12 Thiele cab!) and both of those are known for sounding bigger than other cabs of the same speaker count as well. I can vouch that all three of these cabs sound bigger than many or most other cabs with their speaker count. The one that interests me the most now, is the 3D Forte style cabs (Dave from Avatar has them now). I'd consider building something like that if I were you. Have you looked into those? ON PAPER, those have some VERY interesting parameters that really should offer something extra. Dave only sells vertical and horizontal 2x versions, but when Forte built them there were 1x's as well and you could scale the build for an EV type 1x setup.

Or you could just get a Zbest and pick your favorite speakers and be set for life... LOL
i have two upright mesa 2x12 cabs. i periodically take the backs off.
The funny thing is, in general terms, that would be a no-no. With the back being the full size of the cab, that's no longer in the same vein as "open back" which HAS a back and has an opening in that back. So "normally" that wouldn't be a good idea "in general." But as we all know, Mesa made a 4x12 cab that had a closed bottom and completely open (no back on the top section) top, and some people (including Duane Allman) loved them.

I would tend to think a more controlled back side (TWSS) would have worked better, like maybe a standard open back type back for the top section, but to my knowledge, they never even tried something like that.

IMO, the Forte 3D style should be great as a 2x! If I were building "experimenting" I'd probably try 1 cab that was top- oval open back (Dumble style) over Thiele bottom, and one cab that was 1 oval open back on top over 1 sealed cab. I'd experiment with an Alnico over an EV type in the first cab. The sweetness of a nice Red Fang over the tight clean punch of say my 12L in a Thiele.... That could kill!
The funny thing is, in general terms, that would be a no-no. With the back being the full size of the cab, that's no longer in the same vein as "open back" which HAS a back and has an opening in that back. So "normally" that wouldn't be a good idea "in general." But as we all know, Mesa made a 4x12 cab that had a closed bottom and completely open (no back on the top section) top, and some people (including Duane Allman) loved them.

I would tend to think a more controlled back side (TWSS) would have worked better, like maybe a standard open back type back for the top section, but to my knowledge, they never even tried something like that.

IMO, the Forte 3D style should be great as a 2x! If I were building "experimenting" I'd probably try 1 cab that was top- oval open back (Dumble style) over Thiele bottom, and one cab that was 1 oval open back on top over 1 sealed cab. I'd experiment with an Alnico over an EV type in the first cab. The sweetness of a nice Red Fang over the tight clean punch of say my 12L in a Thiele.... That could kill!
I really wanted the Road King 4x12 cabinet that was half sealed and half open. I wanted that thing bad but had moved on from using a 4x12 and really didn't want to lug that thing around. I knew it probably sounded incredible. It was a battle for sure to not buy one, for several years.
I have a Mesa 2x12 vertical recto cab (mentioned by 11top above) and it is one that is known for competing with 4x12's on the "bigger" sounding scale. I also have a 1x12 Thiele, and a 2x12 Zbest (which is exactly a 2x12 Thiele cab!) and both of those are known for sounding bigger than other cabs of the same speaker count as well. I can vouch that all three of these cabs sound bigger than many or most other cabs with their speaker count. The one that interests me the most now, is the 3D Forte style cabs (Dave from Avatar has them now). I'd consider building something like that if I were you. Have you looked into those? ON PAPER, those have some VERY interesting parameters that really should offer something extra. Dave only sells vertical and horizontal 2x versions, but when Forte built them there were 1x's as well and you could scale the build for an EV type 1x setup.

Or you could just get a Zbest and pick your favorite speakers and be set for life... LOL
It's funny I've been watching some other thread where you mentioned the Zbest and I was interested enough to find pictures of it with the back off to see how it's constructed. Conceptually, I understand the reasoning behind the 3D cabinet. I don't know how well that would do with the drummer who is usually off to the side of the amp or behind the oval back 2x12 I prefer to use now who doesn't like "the wash" as he calls it.

A closed back would help but I'm not a big fan of how they're kind of beamy and not miking has the potential to take somebody out.

Actually... Maybe that's what I should do and I could aim at all those hecklers requesting Freebird for the 10th time.
It's funny I've been watching some other thread where you mentioned the Zbest and I was interested enough to find pictures of it with the back off to see how it's constructed. Conceptually, I understand the reasoning behind the 3D cabinet. I don't know how well that would do with the drummer who is usually off to the side of the amp or behind the oval back 2x12 I prefer to use now who doesn't like "the wash" as he calls it.

A closed back would help but I'm not a big fan of how they're kind of beamy and not miking has the potential to take somebody out.

Actually... Maybe that's what I should do and I could aim at all those hecklers requesting Freebird for the 10th time.
If the 3-D is not for you and you want a 2 x 12 the Z best is really hard to beat. It is like two 1 x 12 Thiele cabs put together.
Mesa has the Road King 2x12:

I HAD one of these and stupidly sold it:

I now have one of these:

I'm thinking that I should get the open 1x12 again, and stack them. That would give me something akin to a combo 2x12 plus the open or closed separately. That's where my head is at the moment anyway. Figures I couldn't hardly sell the open 1x12 when I wanted to, and now I can't find a used one to save my soul, now that I want to buy one again.
The funny thing is, in general terms, that would be a no-no. With the back being the full size of the cab, that's no longer in the same vein as "open back" which HAS a back and has an opening in that back. So "normally" that wouldn't be a good idea "in general." But as we all know, Mesa made a 4x12 cab that had a closed bottom and completely open (no back on the top section) top, and some people (including Duane Allman) loved them.

I would tend to think a more controlled back side (TWSS) would have worked better, like maybe a standard open back type back for the top section, but to my knowledge, they never even tried something like that.

IMO, the Forte 3D style should be great as a 2x! If I were building "experimenting" I'd probably try 1 cab that was top- oval open back (Dumble style) over Thiele bottom, and one cab that was 1 oval open back on top over 1 sealed cab. I'd experiment with an Alnico over an EV type in the first cab. The sweetness of a nice Red Fang over the tight clean punch of say my 12L in a Thiele.... That could kill!
dude, that's a large amount of words. where did you find the time to assemble them, while watching commercials during hollywood squares?

in addition to removing the backs i also made partial backs to sculpt the sound. granted, i just wanted to use power tools, but still...
I have a Mesa 2x12 vertical recto cab (mentioned by 11top above) and it is one that is known for competing with 4x12's on the "bigger" sounding scale.
I have always liked the sound of those cabs. The only reason I don't have one is...I keep forgetting to get one when I need a cab!!! 😂

One perhaps small reason they sound so great is that there's one speaker at an angle, so sound is not only going to reach your ears directly, it's also going to reflect off the ceiling and walls instead of everything being directed to your legs and the floor.

Or you could just get a Zbest and pick your favorite speakers and be set for life... LOL
Dr. Z makes great sounding gear. Among the best.
The Thiele cab works with ports opening at the baffle. Therefore the beam likely dominates.

And this is not with Barefaced and Kammler cabinets. I have heard Kammlers in 1×10, 2×10 (in format of a larger 1×12), 1×12, 2×12, 1×10/1×12 (in format of a ordinary 2×12), 1×15, 4×12. And all sound 3D.

In terms of Barefaced I can only deal with the direct listening of my own cab.
But the YT with Rob Chappers and Barefaced CEO Alex Claber running around in the room with a microphone on a crane while Chappers is noodling and no change in the caught frequencies was convincing. And it proved right at home in reality.
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Yeah, I'll be honest. The name doesn't do it any favors. The sport and game are pretty good though. Just wish it didn't have a "joke" name like that.
Honestly, it is a game that I have thought of looking more into. There are courts around my area. I don't know anyone that plays here that I could talk to about it. I thought it may be something I could get my wife to do as well. I am not too sure now with her having hip issues.

I wish I was just joking about the clothing optional courts. I have heard that if I decide to start looking into playing that I need to ask some questions about the groups and players where I get invited to play. I didn't even know this was a thing that someone would do. I guess it takes all kinds...