Tone Matters. Use It Well.
Here's the cold, hard, truth, and you probably won't like hearing it ...
Private Stock guitars are measurably better in every conceivable way, and absolutely make everyone who can afford one a much better player, instantly. Life's just not fair that way sometimes.
OK ... not really.
While you're being tongue-in-cheek, I also was of the same school some years ago. Mind if I share a personal story with you?
My thought was that a PS would add talent (yep, rookie mistake # 1), improve my image with better players (rookie mistake # 2) and would be the last guitar I'd ever buy.
4 PS later, reality set in and I realized that I was growing older, and wouldn't likely be gigging forever. My finances weren't in the best shape, and my life of luxury was sending me to the poorhouse.
While these might have been a nest egg, they certainly were gestating for quite some time without any hopes of hatching. What happened? They were allowed to leave the nest where they could find a new home. They did pay off my bills, but my days of buying luxury items are no longer possible.
I'm not poor myself compared to some, but think of folks who struggle to live paycheck to paycheck, and at the end of the month either need to choose between food and medical bills. While I'm not that selfish, I usually find it necessary to be frugal regards spending. When I have enough to share with others, that's what happens. When I don't, I try to save so that I'm never in want or need of my life's necessities (shelter, heat, food, phone, ISP, clothing) and work a job that helps pay for this. While I'm not indigent, I do remember that there are people far worse off than many of us.
Perhaps that what we should try to remember, we'll always have poor people in this world, so perhaps when you see people reaching out to you for help, it's wise to offer it. You need not give them money, but sometimes their problem is they're suffering and need our care.
Perhaps its sobering, but if one really looks at their life and thinks, "I'm healthy, but not wealthy or famous. I don't need to be wealthy or famous to enjoy my life, but I can't say that I've never wished for a better life. There are some things IMO more valuable than being wealthy or famous, things that money can't buy. Eventually, someday I'll be the man who is suffering in old age and will need care. In adult incontinent pants, drinking Boost through a straw and trying to keep my hair and teeth.
Unless a miracle occurs, I think we're all eventually heading for the old folks home and sitting on the front porch playing pinochle and telling hearing aid jokes. OK, at least I can laugh about it until then...