$10K Private Stock... Inspiration or Frustration?

I feel it’s healthy to have things to want and look forward to.... it’s gotta get boring to have everything your heart desires after awhile.

Like, I wonder how Kim Kardashian feels going into Gucci or Hermès for the millionth time. Is it as empty feeling like me going on yet another Target run?
FWIW, I have a couple more PS's than I need. NEED being a very relative term, of course. I could very easily pick one of them and make it the ONLY guitar I ever use---In the house or playing out. But, for some reason, there are a couple other guitars (non-PRS----Sorry about that) which just "fit me" better. Not saying they are prettier or necessarily "more valuable", just what works a LITTLE BIT better for my needs. Gee-Maybe I should just dump a few!
There is always that threat of GAS wanting to drive the purchase of something else expensive (or otherwise). No doubt that "the next one" will be THE ONE that "changes my life" and will make me set all the others aside forever. And that I will "play it to death" regardless of the consequences. It almost never works out that way. Not necessarily saying that is ME, but how many people end up with their "ultimate guitar" then never play it because....."God forbid I should scratch it and devalue it!" And so there is a seemingly never ending supply of used guitars, very high end, that are on their third or fourth owner and STILL look like they have never been played.
And, in no small likelihood, the day after getting the high end guitar, and recovering from the shock of spending so much, something ELSE will pop up that MIGHT be even better.....

Easier said than done, but it is almost certainly better to spend the time finding something that WORKS for oneself, then appreciating the pretty things from afar.......Sorta like so many reconciled themselves to doing after studying certain magazines' centerfolds during our "formative" years.....
I like knowing that someone is pushing the state of the art. That applies to pretty much everything.

I won’t always pay for the state of the art, but I like to know it is out there. Sometimes that state of the art becomes accessible enough that I do buy it. I don’t mind that my bicycle was state of the art 10 years ago - it’s still better than me.

It took me a few years to get a PRS, which I considered the state of the art when I first saw one. It was a good goal, and kept me from pissing away money on other things while I was waiting.

So...no irritation here.
I feel it’s healthy to have things to want and look forward to.... it’s gotta get boring to have everything your heart desires after awhile.

Like, I wonder how Kim Kardashian feels going into Gucci or Hermès for the millionth time. Is it as empty feeling like me going on yet another Target run?

It's important to have unfulfilled desires, it's what drives the dream. Hell is made of unfulfilled desires, heaven is made of all the dreams those unfulfilled desires created. The "haves" in this world have nothing in the next, but there's no way to know that until you get there. They are the younger souls that haven't quite figured out what this gig is about yet.

Suffering is THE human right because it is the only one allowed to violate every other human right. It is both an art and a science that humanity has refined to an unbelievably high level. None of that changes the fact that hell is hell and going thru it sucks, but the payoff is worth it a billion times over.

I can self generate a fully conscious NDE and I've done it hundreds of times. You learn a little about life and death in the process and the very first thing you learn is that we've got it backwards. I'll bet money everyone reading this is under the assumption they're living their life here, but it's the biggest lie ever told :)
So by your reasoning solid gold toilets should anger you because you'll never be able to poop in one.

"The wealthiest person is a pauper at times, compared to the man with a satisfied mind."

And therein exists reality. Why be forced to guess and turn over your money to a business that pressures you into supporting an economy? If businesses provided better information upfront about their products, sight-unseen, better service, better reviews, without the pressure tactics, we might actually buy their products.

Regards luxury, I think we can safely say that unless you work in a high-paying job that can easily pay your bills while saving for important things (place to live, car, maintenance, repair, emergencies, food) first, then one can consider setting aside some cash for luxury (although, I'm personally not one who suggests excessive luxury)

My S2 Singlecut is a better guitar than I thought I'd ever own. It plays like a dream and sounds incredible (BK pickups). I looked at core models for a while but decided they don't offer anything I don't already have. You say that you can afford a core model. Wouldn't that be more than good enough for you without sulking about not being able to afford a PS guitar ? Do you want to live in a castle and own your own jet ? Very sad.

I tend to think this is correct, although not so much sad as unrealistic. If the OP wishes, he could consider a core guitar and be happier with it than setting unrealistic goals and not be able to fulfill them. Or worse, go into debt for something he'd have a hard time paying his bills with.

Kind of like how you might look at a very beautiful woman and desire her for her beauty. When in fact, it's mostly cosmetics that are making her look beautiful. Think about that for a minute, and then know the difference between imitating and applying the rules of law vs. being an easy target for impropriety. Perhaps its her inner qualities you are thinking about, what makes her a beautiful person inside. Are all beautiful women outwardly the same on the inside? If not, could you find someone who displays qualities that are more modest outwardly, but still have the same inner qualities?

Businesses just want your money for their products or services. Whether you want the cosmetically-enhanced gorgeous girlfriend is your choice.

My feeling is that the joke is being played out on the unwitting sap who is tempted into giving companies their business just because their product looked or sounded good. (No dig at PRSi, just suggesting the OP consider something more realistic than the beautiful girl made up to look like a million bucks, but is out of your league).

Better to find the "girl of your dreams" you happen to meet in your virtual travels. Who isn't a "Hollywood beauty," but more like the person you said hello to and got acquainted with at your local guitar store. Not the high-end, high maintenance girl, the nice one who treats you well and is honest with you. (IIRC, the Mary Ann compared to Ginger)
It's important to have unfulfilled desires, it's what drives the dream. Hell is made of unfulfilled desires, heaven is made of all the dreams those unfulfilled desires created. The "haves" in this world have nothing in the next, but there's no way to know that until you get there. They are the younger souls that haven't quite figured out what this gig is about yet.

Suffering is THE human right because it is the only one allowed to violate every other human right. It is both an art and a science that humanity has refined to an unbelievably high level. None of that changes the fact that hell is hell and going thru it sucks, but the payoff is worth it a billion times over.

I can self generate a fully conscious NDE and I've done it hundreds of times. You learn a little about life and death in the process and the very first thing you learn is that we've got it backwards. I'll bet money everyone reading this is under the assumption they're living their life here, but it's the biggest lie ever told :)

You are correct, it's important to dream about what could be. But you should focus on more realistic goals, rather than considering the "can't take it with you" mindset.

My feeling is that if the OP crunches the data, and does his research, he'll find the production guitar he's looking for. While I'm not able to address the "afterlife" on this forum, that's entirely another can of worms I'm not considering opening here.

The reality is that people deal with their issues each day, but mostly are only interested in "food" that keeps them alive. (That takes the guesswork out of growing older and remaining healthy)
Interesting question! I guess it doesn’t annoy or irritate me... I used to have to put my hands behind my back to prevent me from throwing a credit card at the salesman but a funny thing happened to me when I actually touched/played a $15k+ PRS guitar. The guitar was gorgeous, lightweight, and had all kinds of precious woods in it... the thing just glowed but it didn’t sound significantly better than my $4k PRS guitar. So I knew that if I bought it, it would be treated as a precious (and expensive) work of art while I played my other guitars...and to me, that wouldn’t be cool.

I’m not saying the $15k guitar wasn’t worth it. Anything is worth what somebody is willing to pay for it. It’s just that at this point in my life, if I were to drop $15k on a guitar, I am more apt to do that for a well loved vintage guitar with bumps, bruises, and a story to tell than for a brand new one of a kind beauty with precious woods/inlays and the same secret sauce as my other awesome PRS guitars have.
I like to drool over the private stocks like everyone else here but no, I’m in no way upset at what they cost. Will I ever own one? Maybe, but probably not. As others have stated their core line guitars are so amazing that I feel like it would become a piece of art that I never played so it’s hard to justify in that regard.

Also, with the amount of wood library runs and random one offs that PRS does, I feel like they’re doing a fantastic job of providing an almost private stock experience to those of us who can’t/won’t shell out the money for a private stock. I’ve looked at some amazing pictures of private stocks on this page but when I look at/play my wood library custom 24 I get struck with that same feeling of awe as when I’m drooling over PS guitars here.
as most others are saying, it doesn't irritate me at all. But I'm also not interested. I could have had one for what I spent on the three I bought a few years back. But I have incredible diversity in those three guitars, that one could never provide. And that is more important too me. I'd rather have 2 or 3 different core models than one PS.
Interesting question! I guess it doesn’t annoy or irritate me... I used to have to put my hands behind my back to prevent me from throwing a credit card at the salesman but a funny thing happened to me when I actually touched/played a $15k+ PRS guitar. The guitar was gorgeous, lightweight, and had all kinds of precious woods in it... the thing just glowed but it didn’t sound significantly better than my $4k PRS guitar. So I knew that if I bought it, it would be treated as a precious (and expensive) work of art while I played my other guitars...and to me, that wouldn’t be cool.

I’m not saying the $15k guitar wasn’t worth it. Anything is worth what somebody is willing to pay for it. It’s just that at this point in my life, if I were to drop $15k on a guitar, I am more apt to do that for a well loved vintage guitar with bumps, bruises, and a story to tell than for a brand new one of a kind beauty with precious woods/inlays and the same secret sauce as my other awesome PRS guitars have.
Totally agree with every word of this. I take good care of my guitars, but IF I finally ding one or something, I figure it was coming sooner or later. If I had a 15K guitar I'd be almost afraid to play it. And definitely afraid to PLAY it. I get out my white painted NF3 and WAIL on that thing and don't worry about it at all. But even now, get my my Anniversary LTD C22 Semi hollow, and I'm "careful" with it.
Plus the OP is talking about what’s effectively “just” a 594. Sure, it’s (subjectively) cool looking and (potentially) collectible but.... he Should totally be able to buy a 594 and be happy enough to keep his head outta the oven.

I took the Pepsi Challenge at MAPete’s crib with bodia, Rider, Brian C. and Pete, and there were like,anywhere between 6-8 594’s (honestly can’t recall, could have been more) and they were all more than capable of doing “that thing”.

Yes, the (subjective) “winner” was a PS but, it was a real lesson as to how much extra juice is in a PS versus Core guitars, and to whether or not it’d be worth it for me personally.

There is something to be said about owning your ultimate dream guitar, and what that feels like. I had no problems Santanaing on my KL33 but, you know, White West Streeting is a better emotional experience.

Edit: Thank you very much.
Yep, exactly. Just like I'd love to own a Z06, but a regularly aspirated version that handles like a race car and has over 400hp would be perfectly fine.
Lemme give you some food for thought. I get it that for you, the price is off limits. If you're patient, you'll even find a Graveyard in a year or two used. Trust me, it won't sell for $10K. More like 75% or less than that. Search the usual places for used PS, you might be surprised what you can get one for.

Might even be able to talk me into selling mine:

And look at the positive, you'll get exactly what you're looking at, you won't have to cross your fingers and hope you like what it looks like 15 months after you put in your order. That's right, about current lead time.

Then there's Artist Series and Wood Library models that aren't quite PS, but close and for half the price +/-. So there are some alternatives! Don't give up!
Thanks for the feedback. Interesting takes all around. I particularly liked the “poster guitar” and flawless diamond analogies. I don’t get irritated at the Ferrari’s I see, so knowing this particular guitar and those like it are real just show pieces, I shouldn’t be irritated at either.

In fact I was once stuck in gridlock LA traffic next to a brand new Lamborghini and watched as he rear ended a 1998 Honda. It was fantastic.
I recall asking the same question before taking a chance on my first one. I have to say PRS guitars are some of the finest guitars ever made. Private Stock, however, are THE FINEST ever made. They play and look the part. It doesn't mean you have to or even should buy one. But if you did, you will not be disappointed. Think of it as three core guitars. Would you have no problem buying three core guitars over a period? Ok, then.
My feeling is that the joke is being played out on the unwitting sap who is tempted into giving companies their business just because their product looked or sounded good.
I’m sure the over 8000 buyers of PS guitars so far did it wittingly. I’m probably the only exception. :p
Here's the cold, hard, truth, and you probably won't like hearing it ...

Private Stock guitars are measurably better in every conceivable way, and absolutely make everyone who can afford one a much better player, instantly. Life's just not fair that way sometimes. :(

OK ... not really. :)