sounds dead

  1. Aeismann

    Mark Holcomb 7 SVN b-string problem / making dim weak tone

    Hi all, I just bought a lovely Mark Holcomb SVN, my first PRS, on the one hand in really happy overall, on the other hand i'm facing some issues that would make me return my guitar if cannot be fixed, which I really really don't want to do. My problem is that the low B-string is making a weak...
  2. ppaul129

    Talk me off the ledge... S2 Semi hollow custom 22 sounds dead

    Hi, I am so glad to finally be a member of the exclusive PRS club:) I bought a new S2 Custom 22 Semi Hollow and I absolutely love the guitar as far as looks, playability and pretty much everything except the sound. To me it sounds ok when picking lightly, but when picking individual notes a bit...