prs se bernie marsden

  1. AZGiant

    Bernie Marsden Issues

    Great guitar and sounds amazing, but man keeping it in tune is a bear. I am about to install SE locking tuners on it, and was curious if anyone else experiences the same issue with standard SE tuners? I have a few SEs and none are quite as bad as this, and the issue seems to stay on the G and B...
  2. yannis papamichalopoulos

    prs se bernie marsden ltd

    hello to all from greece.i am an owner of a brand new prs se bernie marsden a few hours ago.i would like to your opinion about the pickups and their specs because i can hardly find any informations.i believe they are medium output.i am playing electric blues mostly,a bit of classic rock,and...
  3. guitartalkunedited

    PRS SE Bernie Marsden 2017

    Hi all, As mentioned in my previous posts I'm a proud new owner of a PRS SE 2017 Bernie Marsden Limited. I also have recently started a Guitar Vlog on YouTube. Please (if your interested) take a look at my review of the PRS SE Bernie Marsden 2017. Don't forget to Subscribe and Like if you...