
  1. Moondog Wily

    Dweezil on Bonamassa Nerdville podcast

    If anyone is interested, Joe Bonamassa interviewed Dweezil Zappa on his podcast. I just listened to it (about an hour long) and there are some good stories in there. Here is the link: https://jbonamassa.com/live-from-nerdville-with-joe-bonamassa-featuring-dweezil-zappa/ Enjoy! MW
  2. Black-Viper75

    Mr Paul Reed Smith On The No Guitar Is Safe Podcast

    Mr Paul Reed Smith is on the latest episode of the No Guitar Is Safe Podcast Episode 118. I'm going to have a listen now. https://open.spotify.com/episode/1QVrTrARLDIqgodIDNWAs1?si=dlAbJYZLQgekQtKFAVfMZg