pickup specs

  1. gpdb

    58/15 “S” and Epiphone ProBucker 3 - same pickup? Spec and Resonance Curve comparison

    Hi All! while I was doing some tests with the PRS 58/15 "S" bridge pickup, I recalled that the specs were very similar to what I had recorded for the Epiphone ProBucker 3. I rechecked and confirmed that all the specs were basically identical, and the resonance curves overlapped each other. Both...
  2. gpdb

    PRS SE Humbuckers - Specs and Resonance Curve Comparison

    Hi All - new member of the forum. Over the past few months I've been collecting pickups for testing, and it occurred to me that it would be great to catalog all SE pickups, as these specs aren't publicly listed. I also have the equipment to capture the resonance curve of a pickup. When you hear...