pickup 57/08 wiring push-pull

  1. R

    Better push-pull tone pot?

    Hi! I have great PRS USA S2 Custom 24, but do not like the tone of the push-pull tone pot. It very fast drives too bright sound which I don't like. Some people say it's a kind of modern sound and as someone pointed out here its a kind an icepick boost in treble. What's the pot / solution which...
  2. S

    Issue With McCarty Drop-In Multi Conductor

    So I ordered the McCarty Drop In wiring kit for multi conductor to use with new 57/08 pickups (this was the instruction from PRS). The pickups have four wires each (black, white, red, braided ground). While the product code on the kit matches, comparing the 3-way toggle diagram and picture on...
  3. S

    Help With 57/08 Pickups Now Installed

    Hey Everyone, I installed a set of 57/08 pickups into my PRS McCarty (2005). I love the sound of these, but am finding something I need help with. With a fresh set of Elixir Optiweb strings, if I hit the bass string too hard it sounds like either string buzz or distortion is coming through the...
  4. E

    Wiring PRS 57/08 set with push-pull pot

    I just bought a set of 57/08s off ebay (apparently days before they became available directly from PRS. Doh). I have '91 PRS that used to have the 5-way rotary switch. I replaced that with a volume, 3-way toggle switch, and a push-pull tone pot for coil splitting. I paid someone to do it, and...