8 string

  1. Utkarsh

    My debut album: 'Swans of History' by Alzoron

    Hi all I usually post about my guitars but this is a touch different. After close to twenty years of being a bedroom and occasional bar musician, I have finally made started making public my alarming large stack of unpublished original music. Hoarding songs is not something I’ve actively tried...
  2. Utkarsh

    Collection Chronicles #4: PRS 8 String

    I love making videos of my guitars (particularly the PRS's of course :)). It's great to share and also contribute to the sea of content which I also like watching. It's typically been a struggle to find time to film, edit , photograph and make 'produced' videos of my guitars as much as I like...
  3. Utkarsh

    The question no one asked

    Just how much bigger is a PRS Custom 24 8 string vs. a regular Custom 24? Well, if you didn't know, now you do It's quite funny how the regular guitar looks so petite here. But the shape DNA is clear to see from the shape to the control layout. I also find the 4 a side headstock very satisfying.
  4. Utkarsh

    NGD: Private Stock 8 String in Doublestain Grey

    For those of you who saw the 7 String post, this is part 2 of the same purchase. On the 31st of December, I placed an order for two new old PRS Private Stock's that I had been eyeing for 4 years from Ishibashi music, Japan. The conversion rate of the Japanese yen and the dealer's willingness to...
  5. Utkarsh

    Double Quarantine NGD Part 2: The Night King arrives

    So this is part 2 of my Quarantine NGD post. If you want to know the background, part 1 has that covered. There is a typical practice. When you start playing a new instrument, you buy a really cheap one first to see if you will like it and sustain the habit. Once you have the habit and some...
  6. C

    Metal players / Extended range

    Recently picked up my SE sVn over the summer. Absolutely love it, but yet I sit wanting more. I torture myself everytime I see Mark Holcomb's 8 string monster, and begin hunting for one of those private stock unicorns of August 2016 My hope with this post is to raise the awareness of an 8...