Recent content by wwit

  1. W

    Does this look right? SE 277 Truss Rod Nut

    Hi All, I just bought an SE 277 Baritone from Sweetwater @ a week ago. I wanted it to acclimate before making any adjustments. Needs a bit of relief. So removed TRC and see the TR nut at @ 1/8" gap between it and the neck. I have adjusted a ton of different necks in my 35 years of playing, but...
  2. W

    Introduce yourself!

    Hello all from New Hampshire or as us yocals call it Naw Hampsha. I am a member at many other guitar forums such as MLP and TDPRI...but don't hold that against me. I just dipped my toe into the PRS waters in the form of a new ZM SE semi hollow hardtail. Really nice player. Set up out of the...