Recent content by timtheshredder

  1. timtheshredder

    Guitar teacher?

    A lot of people think that they need to find a really good personal teacher in order to learn guitar. That might be helpful if you are an advanced player and you are working on a lot of improve or things like that, but if you are just starting out, there's no real reason why you need to take in...
  2. timtheshredder

    Miss February!!!

    That spalt is insane! I want one.
  3. timtheshredder

    Northern lights fading

    Do you leave this thing out in direct sun all the time or something? This is crazy. I don't think I've ever heard of this happening. It definitely makes me think twice about getting a private stock.
  4. timtheshredder

    Ready for Her Close-Up

    These are great photos. I love the look of this simple S2. Looking forward to hearing what pups you decide to put in it.
  5. timtheshredder

    The Screaming Python...

    That is so sick. Let's see the back.