A devilishly handsome geezer; ladies man; big spender; nice guy; charismatic, yet approachable.
Been playing since 1965 (and I'm exhausted). The Beatles got me started; still my second favorite group, when, in about 1990, I realized, stunned, that I liked Led Zeppelin better. WTH! How could that happen without my consent? I don't know; it just did.
Led Zeppelin, Beatles, ZZ Top, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Rolling Stones, Credence Clearwater Revival, Stevie Ray, of course, Chris Duarte, Lance Lopez, Andy Timmons, Joe Satriani, not Steve Vai, and, best of all, Mr. Eric Gales, the Miracle Worker in human form.
- Birthday
Jan 15, 1949
(Age: 76)
- Location
Land of the Nearly Dead, sometimes called Florida
- Effects
- OCD Overdrive, Wampler EGO Compressor, MXR Analog Delay, Morley Bad Horsie 2, tc electronic Polytune, isp Decimator II.
- Amplifiers
- Mesa Boogie Mark V, Blackstar 60 TVP (as a backup, never use it).
- Acoustic Guitars
- Not loud enough.
- Electric Guitars
- 2015 scarlet Paul Reed Smith Singlecut with Pearly Gates pickups; burgundy Les Paul, my backup guitar, never use it).
- Gender
- Male
- Occupation
- retired
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