Recent content by Dynac0mp

  1. D

    "Tone Furnace" pups?

    Here's a demo to give a taste of the "Tone Furnace" pickups that come stock in this PRS SE Custom.
  2. D

    "Tone Furnace" pups?

    Subjective answer to follow: Certainly reminds me of the Jazz/JB combo that you mention. I'd say lots of mids and highs, more like a JB. I hear a distinct treble push when I go from neck to bridge, but its girthy too... A useful combination of pickups for sure. The ability to drive the amp...
  3. D

    Tone Furnace pups in Custom 22 SE Semi - hollow & question about Se 22s

    Late message, but I'll chime in and agree with CoreyT. Best SE I have ever played. I chanced upon this guitar last week and was just blown away by the overall design and execution.
  4. D

    "Tone Furnace" pups?

    I just bought a SE Custom 22 with these very pickups. They are very nice indeed. I find myself on the neck pickup or the blended position. A very nice set. Interesting that the bridge is so "hot" but I have heard that DC resistance is only one of many measures. Anyone know if these are...
  5. D

    Just played a PRS SE Mark Tremonti Custom 2015 Grey Black - wow - questions

    Yes, so far, very good experience. I don't know why I've avoided the 25-scale for so long. 10" radius. No sharp frets. All just very well done. I actually traded in a well loved Reverend Double-Agent III to make this happen. No dis to the Rev whatsoever. We just...drifted apart. Probably...
  6. D

    Just played a PRS SE Mark Tremonti Custom 2015 Grey Black - wow - questions

    Well... Here's how this story ended. went back next day. It was still there, so no-one else had discovered the magic yet. Good. The Tremonti neck pickup was as magic as I remember, yet there were a number of non-compelling issues (trem, weight!, color) that began to eat away at me and...
  7. D

    Just played a PRS SE Mark Tremonti Custom 2015 Grey Black - wow - questions

    Thanks. That adds evidence to support the snowflake theory.
  8. D

    Just played a PRS SE Mark Tremonti Custom 2015 Grey Black - wow - questions

    Overthinking: That's what I do! Indeed, you are most probably correct. I should get over cosmetics, and trying to find one that's "even better". Indeed, after playing about 10 teles and a few 335-style and strat-style... this one spoke to me.
  9. D

    Just played a PRS SE Mark Tremonti Custom 2015 Grey Black - wow - questions

    Glad to hear these responses! Keep em' coming! Now I'm headed to a different store to play the same exact model in a different color. This should give me an idea if I need to buy the 'snowflake' guitar or if this is a fantastic formula that PRS has consistently re-created. I'm so amazed with...
  10. D

    Just played a PRS SE Mark Tremonti Custom 2015 Grey Black - wow - questions

    Wow. I was amazed by the tonal balance that was achieved by this instrument and I want to figure out if it was just "that" guitar, or if this is a formula that has been figured out and is repeatable. Sometimes you want to optimize and sometimes it's just that magic instrument that speaks to you...