Recent content by Crwilsn

  1. C

    Best body for pickup experimentation?

    I have any SE Tremonti that is on its 4th pickup change including all new pots. Got it with EMGs cheap, swapped in Guitar Fetish VEHs, swapped in a set of core HFS/VBs and is now back to the VEHs while I contemplate replacing the 59/09s in my Core Cu24 with the HFS/VB combo and try the 59/09s in...
  2. C

    Switching to a lighter guage string.

    Count me in also for the 9 1/2s. Perfect blend of fat tone and playability on my cu24. Only down own side is they are rarely carried in music stores so need to order ahead plus they are a bit more expensive.
  3. C

    Will the SE Custom 24 add anything to my collection ?

    You have a great selection of SEs right now. I don't think and SE Cu24 adds much. What I would suggest is bank the money if possible and add an amount each month you (and your wife) feel comfortable. Cut out the Starbucks for example and add 25 a week. In a few months you will have enough for a...
  4. C

    Bass opinions

    When I was growing up (30 years ago), there were certain instruments the school provided. Drums, tubas, french horns, bassoons, etc. Basically the more obscure instruments. Bass guitar was one of them so it may be worth checking with the school to see if one is available to use there rather...
  5. C

    NGD CU 24 - First Quilt!

    Great looking guitar. Personally I prefer quilted maple to fire maple on PRSs. I have a very similar Fire red quilt Custom 24 10 top and love the look.
  6. C

    NGD: Joining in on the 30th anniversary party with the Honey Killer

    Stunning. I'm with you on the quilt maple top. It almost always beats out the appearance of flamed tops.
  7. C

    Belated NGD

    My thoughts exactly when I saw it. Next PRS I buy will need to be aqua blue quilt to balance it.
  8. C

    Belated NGD

    Someone asked what I play through. I've been very lucky to get some of the things I drooled over before. I always wanted a Marshal JTM45 and was able to build a clone and pair it up with a AVT cab (soon to be full of greenbacks or WGS green berets). Couldn't resist putting my name on it...
  9. C

    Belated NGD

    Hello everyone. Picked up playing again after a 20 year break and finally got the guitar I wanted but couldn't afford as a kid. Nice having a job. 2012 Custom 24 in a 10 top fire red burst. And a family pic with the SE Tremonti model I have been playing for the last six months. The...
  10. C

    Show your pedal boards here!

    Here is my very basic board. Diy wood board is based on a pedal train jr. Crybaby 535q, tuner, and TS go into the front of a Mesa Express 5:25 and Joyo Flanger and TC Flashback in the loop. Can't get much simpler.
  11. C

    Finally Tried the S2 Line

    Whenever people say they wouldn't buy a S2, I don't think they are necessarily bashing the S2 line, its more a testament to how good the SE line is. If you are looking at buying an SE or S2 line and are a professional musician or tone hunter, you are probably going to want to tweak the guitar...