Two questions; Custom 24 Rotary to 5-way blade + change of placement


New Member
Oct 22, 2018
Hello guys, once again!

I like my Custom 24. The placement of the rotary switch is weird, though. The rotary switch is the closest one to the neck, closest to me when playing. Conversely, the volume is the farthest. The way I'd like it, is that the volume would be closest to the neck, and the rotary be the farthest.

1. How easy is it to change places of the controls? I.E. swap the places of the volume control and the rotary switch?

2. If I had the chance, I would have a 5-way blade switch instead of a rotary 5-way. How easy would it be to change a rotary switch to a 5-way blade switch? (not a 3-way + push pull)

Here is a picture for reference:
Hello guys, once again!

I like my Custom 24. The placement of the rotary switch is weird, though. The rotary switch is the closest one to the neck, closest to me when playing. Conversely, the volume is the farthest. The way I'd like it, is that the volume would be closest to the neck, and the rotary be the farthest.

1. How easy is it to change places of the controls? I.E. swap the places of the volume control and the rotary switch?

2. If I had the chance, I would have a 5-way blade switch instead of a rotary 5-way. How easy would it be to change a rotary switch to a 5-way blade switch? (not a 3-way + push pull)

Here is a picture for reference:

1. Easy
2. Not easy
Wh at your pic shows is not correct from the factory. I wouldn't like it either.

Switching them around is easy but forget the idea of putting 5 way blade on it. That would be a butcher job.
Your current setup is incorrect. The rotary should be at the back behind the trem. At least that's where it is on my CU25 and the CE24s I have. It has been move it back.

As far as the 5 way goes, man, have the PTC do it and change the existing rotary to another volume.

Or, just buy another PRS!
Hi guys!
(thanks for all your replies!)

Thought so. It seemed weird, and it drives me nuts because I have one CE24 with the normal layout. Switching between the two guitars is so confusing, haha! Gonna switch them around soon. What kind of pot I should buy to replace the tone one? (it seems to work sporadically, might as well change it during this operation - you can see my other thread about this).