Make it look so easy

I believe (that doesn’t make it correct) that my issues are more “injury related” than “age related.” Or at least, the injuries are the bigger part of the problem and the age only adds on top.

About 15 years ago I got hit broadside by another driver going 55 MPH when he ran a stop sign and came straight into crossing traffic on a highway. I didn’t see him because he narrowly missed a car coming towards me and by the time I did it was too late. I took a very quick evasive move right which probably saved my life. He hit me 6” behind my drivers door. Spun two 1/2 times and ended up in the other side of the road ditch. My only injuries were permanent nerve dame in my left side of my neck, My head got jolted around seriously and I couldn’t even move my neck or turn my head at all for over a week. The nerve damage goes from under my ear, all the way down through my middle two fingers on my left hand. And my wrist was sprained from the death grip on the steering wheel.

Long before that though, I had at one time or another, 3 of my 4 fingers on my left hand dislocated at least once, all while playing basketball. My ring finger was dislocated 3 times. I haven’t been able to wear my wedding ring for years and arthritis has set in badly on the ring finger. I can’t close it all the way (making a fist) and sometimes it won’t even come close. And it basically hurts all the time. I can take the pain part of it, but hit really hurts when I lift weights or carry heavy things, or anything that requires a strong grip.

Anyway, between the nerve damage which immediately created a loss of coordination between my middle and ring fingers, and the swelling,stiffness and arthritis in my ring finger, I’ve lost a lot of mobility in that hand. Not exactly what you want when you like to play fast and difficult riffs. I’ve said more than once, that I wish all that happened to my right hand, as it wouldn’t have affected my playing. But this is what I got so it is what it is.

Sorry for the long post. If you want the short version, skip to this:
I guess I’m getting old. :D

Thanks for sharing. Pain and loss of function is a *****. It definitely sounds like your situation is more complicated than many others. In any event, I do understand your suffering, and I truly wish you the best. And, if I haven’t already said it, Dream Theater DOES rule! :)
I believe (that doesn’t make it correct) that my issues are more “injury related” than “age related.” Or at least, the injuries are the bigger part of the problem and the age only adds on top.

About 15 years ago I got hit broadside by another driver going 55 MPH when he ran a stop sign and came straight into crossing traffic on a highway. I didn’t see him because he narrowly missed a car coming towards me and by the time I did it was too late. I took a very quick evasive move right which probably saved my life. He hit me 6” behind my drivers door. Spun two 1/2 times and ended up in the other side of the road ditch. My only injuries were permanent nerve dame in my left side of my neck, My head got jolted around seriously and I couldn’t even move my neck or turn my head at all for over a week. The nerve damage goes from under my ear, all the way down through my middle two fingers on my left hand. And my wrist was sprained from the death grip on the steering wheel.

Long before that though, I had at one time or another, 3 of my 4 fingers on my left hand dislocated at least once, all while playing basketball. My ring finger was dislocated 3 times. I haven’t been able to wear my wedding ring for years and arthritis has set in badly on the ring finger. I can’t close it all the way (making a fist) and sometimes it won’t even come close. And it basically hurts all the time. I can take the pain part of it, but hit really hurts when I lift weights or carry heavy things, or anything that requires a strong grip.

Anyway, between the nerve damage which immediately created a loss of coordination between my middle and ring fingers, and the swelling,stiffness and arthritis in my ring finger, I’ve lost a lot of mobility in that hand. Not exactly what you want when you like to play fast and difficult riffs. I’ve said more than once, that I wish all that happened to my right hand, as it wouldn’t have affected my playing. But this is what I got so it is what it is.

Sorry for the long post. If you want the short version, skip to this:
I guess I’m getting old. :D

You know, it doesn't really help if you put the instructions on how to skip the long version after the long version. :rolleyes:

A buddy of mine was in an accident years ago. Sitting at a red light at an intersection with a four-lane highway. He woke up in a parking lot across the four lanes - dude came from behind and hit him. Never touched his brakes. Doctor told my friend that he was probably fortunate that the guy didn't hit his brakes because he'd have probably tensed up and suffered worse damage. The worst of his issues was that the seat belt pushed his collarbone inside his rib cage. It took something like two years of therapy to get it to pop out into its normal position.

It sucks to get older and start paying for our youth.
You know, it doesn't really help if you put the instructions on how to skip the long version after the long version. :rolleyes:

Fixed it for ya. Go back and read it again and it should work better this time. :D
It sucks to get older and start paying for our youth.

Ain't that the truth. I'm still playing basketball every Monday night. I never liked the old "tile over concrete" floors but now, my knees and ankles ache for days after playing on them. I thought it was all me, but had occasion to play on hardwood last week and it was a freakin miracle. NO ankle or knee pain. It really is the floor that is the problem! (And my old joints! LOL)

Thanks for the kind words. I'm actually lucky. I can't play like I used to but I can still play well enough to enjoy it. Eventually I'll have to slow down more and get my law degree so I can be a "Blues Lawyer" like all the nancy boys at the gear page think all of us PRS players are now. :rolleyes:
So are you guys telling me my plan to retire at age 50 to master the guitar is flawed?
No, just watch out for 17 year old lost drivers, and people trying to steal the ball from you, and you should be good to go. Or at least I would have.