Recent content by TrapDoorSpider

  1. TrapDoorSpider

    "Tuxedo" look with a black Mira?

    I've got a beautiful 2010 black Mira, and since I can't ever leave well enough alone, as they say, I'm wondering how it might look with a white pickguard and white pickup rings. Has anyone else tried that so-called "Tuxedo" look? And if you have, can you post a picture so I can see if I like...
  2. TrapDoorSpider

    Paint used on a 2008 Mira?

    What kind of paint would I need, if I wanted to touch up this ding (down to the bare wood) on a 2008 Mira? The finish is black, so matching the color won't be a problem. But is this the kind of paint I can find at a local hardware store? I'm not talking about spraying the headstock. I just...
  3. TrapDoorSpider

    Paul Reed Smith signature on BACK of Mira headstock?

    My first post, so please pardon the "newbie" question. I just bought a gently used 2009 Mira, and there's a signature on the back of the headstock, written (apparently) in the same gold ink that was used for the serial number. No, it's not a decal or stamp. Is it even possible that it says "Paul...