Recent content by jamjam1

  1. jamjam1

    The forum seems a bit dead..

    Are there giveaways? More giveaways are always nice. Here's some feedback if anyone is listening: More content would be good. I'm spending a lot of time learning all my newish PRS has to offer. More videos of tones, styles, combinations with pedals/amps/etc would be useful.
  2. jamjam1

    Do You have a signature sound?

    Question for those of you who say your tone is based on your clean tone and where you go from there...I recently asked what pickups people use and a common answer was neck split for clean but most of the time is spent on the bridge humbucker. It doesn't seem like tone is based on clean if most...
  3. jamjam1

    Reprise - favorite and least-favorite guitar colors - comparison

    You know what I just realized...I'm not a fan of "bursts". Yellow and orange. Just not visually appealing to me. I don't know why Gibson people get so excited for that.
  4. jamjam1

    Reprise - favorite and least-favorite guitar colors - comparison

    Blue really is the best. Red is a close second. Not a fan of white.
  5. jamjam1

    Which pickup position do you gravitate to?

    Great example of the different pickups! 👍
  6. jamjam1

    Which pickup position do you gravitate to?

    Seems like most people don't just spend most time on the bridge, but when they're on the neck, it's mostly single. Strange that the 5 way blade doesn't have a neck single option. Only neck humbucker.
  7. jamjam1

    Which pickup position do you gravitate to?

    For blues, when do you use the bridge and when do you use the neck?
  8. jamjam1

    Which pickup position do you gravitate to?

    This seems to be the consensus, with most time spent on the bridge for most people.
  9. jamjam1

    Which pickup position do you gravitate to?

    Are you spending most of your time on the neck, the bridge, middle or on the split coil positions? Or do you equally move around all of them depending on what you're playing. Mostly curious about cu24 players, but would like to hear how you're playing...
  10. jamjam1

    So Just How Many Pedals Do You Own?

    Two. A delay with a looper. And a fuzz. But I'm new. Don't really know what I want yet. A good reverb for sure. Dunno what else.
  11. jamjam1

    S2 Custom 24 or S2 Standard Satin for 200 Euro less

    They have different pickups, don't they? You might want to try them or listen to videos to see which pickups you like more. That said, which design inspires you more? I really liked the standard but I liked the look of the custom more.
  12. jamjam1

    Do you feel like your PRS is too nice?

    Not too nice. Just right. But I keep it in the case when not playing because it's blue and I don't want it to fade. (Blues apparently fade when exposed to light.) That's annoying and I'd prefer not to baby it. But whatever, I like the finish and color so I'll try to keep it as is.
  13. jamjam1

    Why the nitro switch?

    I don't mind nitro. A little worried about my new blue guitar fading since PRS has a history of their blues fading.
  14. jamjam1

    S2 gets Core Pickups and Electronics

    I came across somebody who did a push-pull mod so that you can do individual splits a la 24-08. I have no idea if this is any good but I held onto the link in case I want to do something like that down the line...
  15. jamjam1

    S2 USA pups

    Ah, that explains it. So they lied when they called them mother of pearl. Oh, well.