Recent content by george4th

  1. G

    PRS SE Custom 24 setup

    Very nice setup. Nice choices on the upgrades. I do the same essentially to my SE's -G
  2. G

    Plastic Trem Sleeve

    That is PRS, they are second to none on servicing their products. They CARE unlike some of the other companies out there. You are not a number with PRS. -G
  3. G

    57/08 pickups now for sale from PRS Guitars

    Awesome! I'll be ordering a few sets ASAP! -G
  4. G

    Philip Seymour Hoffman RIP

    It is a sad situation when you put a needle in your arm or a glass pipe in your mouth and think you'll be the one who can do it and not become addicted. I have a family member who thought the same and was wrong, lost everything, graduated top in his class in engineering has / had a beautifull...
  5. G

    Ancestry (Where are you really from...?)

    England and Germany no French as far as anyone has ever been able to determine albeit 4 generations in Louisiana (South) you would think I'd have some Cajun blood somewhere. Still a Cajun no matter what the genealogy says. G