Recent content by Black Plaid

  1. Black Plaid

    Evaluating Your Own Stuff - The Worst!

    If you are listening to your past or current work, and it's not up to where you want to be, that's a good thing, it means you are discerning enough to advance your craft. Your best work is ahead of you, that's exciting!
  2. Black Plaid

    NF53 vs Vela 2024

    People want lightweight swamp ash telecaster-like guitars more than they want unique mahogany offset double-cuts.
  3. Black Plaid

    Incoming NGD NF53

    Sweet A. F.
  4. Black Plaid

    PRS Modern Eagle I Custom Built for USA Only

    I have two, so at least that many, but they are double cuts. @WA Paul Has a single cut I think? So at least one!
  5. Black Plaid

    Incoming NGD NF53

    Dude! I was looking at that one, the white doghair is so nice, but there's a black one that's a bit lighter I am also tempted by, also, maybe I already have enough guitars?
  6. Black Plaid

    Single Cut Guitars with TCI pickups and Trem?

    Consider yourself on-notice. The committee will be reviewing your certification in the PRS Expert Association.
  7. Black Plaid

    Knocking Down the Finish...

    It's just his jam, don't sweat it.
  8. Black Plaid

    Private Stock Friday

    Congrats on the new role! Welcome @Regan@PRS ! You are going to be very popular on Fridays around here!
  9. Black Plaid

    Fret sprout on SE SAS yet?? Anyone...

    I would exchange it, that's really not ok for a guitar at that price point.
  10. Black Plaid

    Bought some DGT pickups off of Craigslist, looking for some info

    They get all used up after a few years, the tone doesn't just last forever! I just wish PRS would sell tone replacements so we could refill them, taking them to the hazardous waste center when they are empty is always such a hassle.
  11. Black Plaid

    SE DGT Appalling Fretwork

    Companies need to stop being overly optimistic in their claims about their inspection processes.
  12. Black Plaid

    Semi Hollow DGT - did I miss this?

    There's one on reverb right now listed as a PS Cu-22, I mean, it's a PS, maybe it's not a DGT, but it sure looks like it.
  13. Black Plaid

    NGD: SC250 Modern Eagle anyone knows this model?

    It might be an ME-II, given the binding, inlay, and the 2009 pickups.